On scaling back

Developing mx. lifestyling from 2020-2023 built the foundation for my community-held PhD process, and the conditions to build a lifelong service journey. It taught me how to start-up, call in support, and how to support fellows in incredibly meaningful ways…

minimalizing mx. life.

Stewarding this practice is like tending a bonsai tree. Its a fully grown practice in all senses, yet manageably small. Its expansion is pruned with pointed intention, prioritizing branches of clear and sustainable growth. It’s maintained in quiet, yet thrives in bustle.

Mx. Lifestyling, LLC (then mx. lifestyling, then mx. life…) was a journey of coming out of the forest, down the mountain. It was a journey in learning how to do impactful business in a leave-no-trace way. As it continued to grow, and as it continued to bolster success, demand simply became too large as a minimalism-practicing creator…

I took matters into my own hands most of the time in order to be understood, regarded, and liable as a single person, not a company, capable of big things. I missed being a freelancer in a world of service entrepreneurs, bonded and chained to their products.

In my gut, it felt right to do: collab, scale back, come down, be free.

This may also be something you can relate to on your journey: it’s something I support with, tending down, and the shifts associated with debranding, unplatforming, and intentionally growing back.

mx. life as method is my way, no longer a business. It is how clients and I infuse the understanding of lifelong fluidity, how we integrate with change as our only true constant. It is how we tap into queered and decolonized rest and action, honoring our ancestors. It is how we “mx.” love into life, how we “mx.” life up.