Where a field doesn’t exist, you create one.

Systems are made of people. Thus, systems are subject to the constancy of change and transition, inasmuch as we are.

Social Systems Doula (ˈsō-shəl ˈsi-stəmz ˈdü-lə) noun

a professional who supports individuals, groups, or communities in navigating, adapting, or deathing social systems, institutions, and structures by providing guidance, advocacy, and emotional support, particularly during transitions or challenges within these systems.

Why a Social Systems Doula?

This practice, inspired by birthworkers and full spectrum doulas in my community, began out of a desire to navigate the liminal, and to address the unnatural cycles of hypermodern life with intention and flow—much like a birth doula guides a new life to Earth side, or a death doula honors sacred transitions out.

In this practice, life/work balance is a myth: our lives always come first. All of our systems at home and in our careers must embrace that for us to live fulfilling lives, and for our work to work for us.

With that, I support in deathing patterns and systems that are not working, helping to creating flow where there is stagnation in our social lives and infrastructure. On the individual level, from career to gender-affirmation, I help clients socially re/connect to their essence, helping to navigate what comes along, no matter what it is.

Whether we are birthing or laying to rest a new you/business/institution, I offer compassion, presence, and actionable guidance. This is the sacred medicine of a Social Systems Doula: supporting lived experts as we shift, holding space for our systems as we transform them.