Major change requires major support.
Founded in 2019, j. nyla struggled to find support that didn’t feel culturally out of alignment, exceptionally clinical, or disconnected from habitat. After earning a degree in psychology, then learning from the school of life without work, j. nyla deepened relationships with fellow multi-hyphenate healers, futurists, creative scientists, artists, and medicine people crafting their own way, or returning to indigenous practices. Fellowships like Project Inkblot, Eastern Sierras Conservation Corps, and Black Voices United and more housed this development. j. nyla convened with fellows in-person and online, inspiring the cultivation of a hybrid practice. From career training that led to National Institutes of Health-funded research to a public, self-directed DIY PhD process, j. nyla’s career continues to break expectations of what is possible.
They have kept what has worked and challenge what didn’t from their training in the social sciences by developing a continued, life learning commitment to a praxis rooted in deeper Community-Supported Education (CSE) and higher-ed continuing education (CE), centering mindfulness, collective care, and action. Through this, and an overall dedication to becoming more free, the practice fosters a broad and attentive peer-to-peer care.
Guided and held by ancestors, psychotherapist mentors and colleagues, medicine practitioner-educators, community organizers, artist friends, and fellows, this mighty little business belongs to a supportive net as a coaching practice. The practice in all of its iterations has held space for navigating stress: healing from burnout, moving toward a slow, restful way; connecting like actions and organizing efforts; cultivating minimalist lifestyle or addressing hyperconsumerism; tapping into giveaway; self and community as a site of learning and service; living in and on purpose. Its work began as an homage to j. nyla’s grandmothers and gender self-discovery as Mx. Lifestyling, LLC, and continues as j. nyla’s unbranded sole-proprietorship (more about this here).
Consultancy in this work moves toward conscious, intentional living and careers. It’s energized by conversation and creation of living and nuanced concepts, systems, and digital tools that work for individuals, entities, and community. Names for j. nyla’s role in your life and work include: designer, facilitator, researcher, change or systems death doula, virtual or in-person assistant, cultural worker, public official or servant, lived expert, advocate, collaborator.
Purpose, In Habitat and Heritage
j. nyla ink mcneill (they/them) is a nonbinary person of Black-Filipinx heritage, rooting in the rich cultural legacies of West African and Southeast Asian diasporas. Born and raised in Long Beach, California’s historic Filipino Neighborhood, Wrigley, Belmont Heights, and Rose Park districts, they became keenly aware of the deep gaps in resources, care, and services across their communities from a very early age.
Guided by the creative and entrepreneurial spirits of their grandmothers—creative, intelligent everything-women who broke systems to innovate and serve their beloved neighbors and clientele—j. nyla finds inspiration in both their brilliance and their imperfections. With this, they dedicate themself to meaningful projects, participating in collective healing, and social improvement. They are humbly committed to the long-haul work of addressing deeply-seated social issues through the slow, nuanced cultivation of healthier practices.
more about j. nyla…
j. nyla began to dream journal at 9 years old; a daily practice they keep. Eager to earn on their own, j. started their first entrepreneur endeavor selling beaded jewelry and other handmade crafts on the playground.
Today, they enjoy a minimalist lifestyle, love to drink copious amounts of home-grown and locally cultivated teas, skate, write music and poetry, and camp. They’re often celebrating life through cooking and creating.
j. nyla explores a number of meaningful endeavors as a
lifelong technologist
community organizer and facilitator
action researcher (co-author, designer)
artist (word, music, paint, photo portraiture)
background actor and model who skates
mountaineer and outdoor educator
A growing archive of their creative works exist on Patreon.
first dollar and personal computer built with dad, age 8
This practice does not offer medical or psychological advice, nor prescribe any medical diagnosis or treatment. It does not provide financial or legal advice. Please seek advice from qualified professionals regarding a medical condition and its symptoms. Services presented here are a great addition to existing psychological or medical care, business coaching, or legal counsel. They are meant for personal motivation, navigating systems, high impact work, research, stress, and/or organizing in multiple capacities.